Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Annoyances and Amusements


For lack of any time to do anything else, I've been amusing myself at work.  I will be headed back to school next month for my last semester, and was going through the classes I have already taken, trying to see what I remembered - then I get a phone call.

One portion of my job requires me to take phone calls from various hospitals.  I had a gentlemen by the name of Moses call me from Nazareth hospital.  Last summer, I took a religion class as one of my electives, and was taught all about the different religions of the world.  Anyone who has taken a religion class that covered Christianity, or knows much about Christianity, will know that Jesus is also known as Jesus of Nazareth.  One of the prophets of Christianity is Moses (also, Islam, and many other faiths).  So, Moses calling from Nazareth tickled my funny bone.

The lovely group on Scrib is also having a contest in which we need to write a credible love/sex scene to climax in 400 words.  I've been doodling ideas on a little card, but none of them are really striking me as interesting.  I prefer the action / adventure of sci-fi, but I think I can make this work.

Last, but certainly not least, my garden has provided me with a ton of squash and zucchini this summer.  I was very saddened that I had not seen any watermelons pop up yet.  When I got home yesterday, I went to check out my garden and found a TON of little baby watermelons!  Yes, I'm excited.  The last time I planted watermelon, there was one that came up.  By the time I got back from vacation, it had disappeared.  Found out later that my grandfather had gotten hungry, picked it, and ate it while we were away.  The funniest part about that was he was on vacation with us.  He would just leave the campground and drive around, normally to my house to tend my vegetable garden (I have no idea why).

My tomatoes are starting to finally grow, too.  And there's a few little baby cucumbers on the vine.  Now, if I could just get my green house up and running, I could grow food throughout winter, too.


I have also been on vacation the past week and loved (almost) every minute of it.  Today was my first day back at work since Sunday, so I was not very prepared when one of my first phone calls resulted in a man cursing me out and yelling.  Yep, he got hung up on.

Finding time to write has also become an annoyance.  I was hoping to get something wrote on vacation - I think it ended up being 2 or 3 sentences.  It's definitely time to buckle down and get back into the swing of things.

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